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About DT FileCabinet

DT Filecabinet is an innovative digital document management system, designed for tax and accounting professionals, that enables you to electronically store, organize, and access documents on your computer or network. With its advanced technology, state-of-the-art functionality, and sophisticated features, DT Filecabinet lets you easily create a paperless environment and enjoy the countless time- and money-saving benefits of a paperless office.


To use DT FileCabinet, you must have it installed with an up-to-date licence.

Getting your DT Max clients into DT FileCabinet

There are three ways to export your clients to DT FileCabinet:

1. Printing documents (Automatic) Whenever you print to DT FileCabinet, either using Production printing or Printing forms, clients will be created in DT FileCabinet if they don't already exist.

2. Exporting the client list (Manual) For more information, consult Printing or exporting client list data.

3. Adding new clients (Automatic) If configured to do so in "Preferences > DT FileCabinet", whenever a client is added to DT Max, that client will be automatically created in DT FileCabinet.

DT Max client numbers are used to create the drawer IDs used in DT FileCabinet. The client number, along with a prefix representing the tax module (T1 > P, T2 > C, T3 > T, T5013 > S), becomes the drawer ID in DT FileCabinet. For example, client 100 in the T1 module would have drawer ID P100 in DT FileCabinet.

Sending tax documents to DT FileCabinet

To send tax documents to DT FileCabinet, simply print them using either Production printing or Printing forms.


Before printing to DT FileCabinet for the first time, please review the default settings and make changes as required. The settings can be found under "Preferences > DT FileCabinet".

Using DT FileCabinet with DT Client Portal

The documents that get sent from DT FileCabinet to DT Client Portal can be fully controlled by going to "Setup > System Configuration" in DT FileCabinet, selecting the "DT Client Portal" tab, and checking the boxes of the DT Max "components" that you wish to transmit to DT Client Portal. This list of components acts as a filter which controls what is allowed to be sent to DT Client Portal. It is generally recommended that the "Client copy" component be selected.

There are two ways in DT FileCabinet to have documents sent to DT Client Portal:

1. Automatic method

The automatic method can be turned on as follows:

    a. From the menu in DT FileCabinet, select "Setup > System Configuration".
    b. Go to the "DT Connect + Misc" tab.
    c. Go to the "DT Connect Background Services options" section.
    d. Check the box for "Enable background services".
    e. Check the box for "nable automatic transmission to DT Client Portal".

This method will automatically send documents every 10 minutes for all clients (drawers) that have been designated as contributors to DT Client Portal and who have documents available that match the components you have specified.

2. Manual method

The manual method can be used as follows:

    a. From the menu in DT FileCabinet, select "File > DT Client Portal".
    b. Select the clients (drawers) whose documents you want to have transmitted. They will then appear in the list on the right-hand side of the window.
    c. Press the "Connect" button.
    d. Press the "Call Now" button.

This method will only send documents for the clients (drawers) you select who have documents available that match the components you have specified. With this method, you control when the documents are sent.

Best Practices

When adding new clients, it is best to add them to DT Max, and then let DT Max take care of adding them to DT FileCabinet. This will happen either automatically when you print documents for these new clients to DT FileCabinet, or manually when you export these new clients using "File > Print > Client list > Export to DT FileCabinet", or automatically when adding new clients (if configured to do so). This practice will ensure that the client numbers in DT Max are properly synchronized with the drawer IDs in DT FileCabinet, so that documents will end up in the correct drawer.

July 29, 2014